With all that we have going on in the world and in our nation today intelligent people are searching, asking questions, and are striving to learn the truth. At times, the search for truth can be confusing and exasperating. There is a difference between what is factual and what is fiction. Keep in mind that opinions are just that and may or may not be based on fact.
In my study this morning I was reading a commentary by D. L. Moody and he addressed truth and life as defined by Jesus. I want to share his words with you this morning. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.—John 14:6. PEOPLE say: “I want to know what is the truth.” Listen: “I am the truth,” says Christ. (John 14:5.) If you want to know what the truth is, get acquainted with Christ. People also complain that they have not life. Many are trying to give themselves spiritual life. You may galvanize yourselves and put electricity into yourselves, so to speak; but the effect will not last very long. Christ alone is the author of life. If you would have real spiritual life, get to know Christ. Many try to stir up spiritual life by going to meetings. These may be well enough; but it will be of no use, unless they get into contact with the living Christ. Then spiritual life will not be a spasmodic thing, but will be perpetual; flowing on and on, and bringing forth fruit to God.[1] What is truth…what are the facts? They are what God says they are. Mr. Moody states that people need to “get into contact with the living Christ.” I would encourage you to get into the Bible, know what it says and how the word of God applies to our daily lives. The words of God contained in the Bible supersedes any opinion, platform, policies, and ways of man. The only way we can be correct in life is to be Biblically correct. Turn to Jesus and make him the center of your life. In him and him alone can life be attained and truth be known. Enjoy your day! Pastor Gary [1] Moody, D. L. (1900). The D. L. Moody Year Book: A Living Daily Message from the Words of D. L. Moody. (E. M. Fitt, Ed.) (p. 220). East Northfield, MA: The Bookstore. Comments are closed.
AuthorGary W. Hall, Pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. Archive
January 2021