Sometimes in conversation we refer to someone we may know as being a “friend”. The word “friend” is overused and misapplied. Not all want to be your friend through the times you really need one. What type of relationship does it take to be a friend to someone? To be the type of person they can depend on and come to? What type of person do you need to share with? In 1st Samuel 18:1-3 we read of a relationship between David and Jonathan. This lifelong relationship between these two individuals was based on the concept of love someone like you love yourself. Twice in this passage Jonathan lets it be known that he “loved him as his own soul.” In verse 1 we also read that “the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David.” How do we get to the point in our life that our soul is “knit” with another? Here are some points that you may want to consider before seeking or being a true friend.
Love you all, Pastor Gary Comments are closed.
AuthorGary W. Hall, Pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. Archive
January 2021