Today, you will have an impact on someone’s life and in turn someone will impact you. I enjoy reading accounts where Jesus impacted people. During his earthly ministry, Jesus moved among people and sought to change their life, many times on a daily basis. In Matthew 9:27-30, Jesus healed two blind men. Blindness can be viewed as the condition of a person without God. Anyone who does not know Jesus as their personal Savior is spiritually blind. They were faced with the physical challenge of blindness but everyone is faced with spiritual blindness when we do not know God. We can see some principles used by these men and apply them to our lives as we confront challenges in our life. Using these same principles, we can also allow Jesus to impact our life just as he did that day.
As we read the account in Matthew 9, what we first notice is that these men were earnest in seeking help. The word which describes their appeal is “crying.” Do we earnestly seek God when life challenges us? Second, they were persistent. Verse 27 says, “Two blind men followed him.” Continuing in verse 28, “And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him.” How persistent are we in asking Jesus to answer? Third, they had a definite object in prayer. They knew what they wanted. They wanted their sight. There was no beating around the bush with these men. Be specific with God and then allow him to work in your life. Fourth, they confessed their own unworthiness. They cried out, “Thou son of David, have mercy on us.” They were not asking for justice. They wanted mercy. We all need mercy. We read the reply of Jesus in verse 28: “Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this?” The question concerned their faith and Jesus wanted to hear their answer. There was no hesitation…they answered immediately: “Yea, Lord.” When we ask God do we really believe he will answer and also are we willing to accept the answer he gives? When our faith is under attack and being challenged can we say “Yea Lord?” We read of the response of Jesus and “Then touched he their eyes…And their eyes were opened.” Because they believed they were healed. That healing came from the one who could heal. Their lives were impacted that day because they believed. You will have the opportunity to have your faith put to the test…will you believe and allow Jesus to impact your life today? Do you believe? Enjoy your coffee. Love you all, Pastor Gary Comments are closed.
AuthorGary W. Hall, Pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. Archive
January 2021